
Kamis, 30 Desember 2010

Dota 6.70b Released

The newest map, Dota 6.70b ! Untuk memperbaiki beberapa bug yang berada di Dota 6.70, Ice Frog telah meluncurkan map terbaru yaitu Dota 6.70b.
Dalam map ini terdapat beberapa perubahan atau perbaikan, agar para pemain Dota dapat bermain dengan baik. Nah langsung saja download :

Ini adalah Changelog Dota 6.70b, kalian dapat melihat beberapa perubahan yang terjadi :

Changelog Dota 6.70b

* Added support for Turkish language
* Fixed Essence Shift interaction with Tuskar and Phoenix
* Fixed some bugs with All Int/Agi/Str and SD modes
* Fixed Techies Land Mines not triggering on Phoenix
* Fixed various misc bugs with Supernova
* Fixed Sunray and Last Word/Hex interaction
* Fixed Degen Aura working against towers
* Fixed Janggo killing Forged Spirits
* Fixed some attack modifier (Feast, Backstab, etc) interactions with Supernova
* Fixed a minor visual effect issue when picking up a Gem with full inventory
* Fixed Item drop commands interaction with Sunray
* Fixed various tooltips
* Fixed a fatal error if Phoenix dies while using Sunray against Blademail/Dispersion
* Walrus Punch cooldown from 18/16/14 to 30/24/18
* Walrus Punch landing damage from 100/200/300 to 75/150/225
* Walrus Punch crit from 2.5 to 2.25
* Snowball max chase duration from 4 to 3.25 seconds
* Snowball no longer dispels negative buffs on you and your allies while rolling
* Fixed an old bug with Call Down instantly killing Forged Spirits

Lihat juga Changelog lengkap Dota  6.70

Nah itulah informasi terbaru yang dapat KOBE informasikan semoga bermanfaat dan selamat mencoba.

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