
Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

Dota 6.71b Ai

Hot news for you guys ! Dota 6.71b Ai map will be release. (here for English) Ini berita terbaru yang diberikan oleh PBMN, ia sedang dalam proses percobaan dengan map ai baru ini.
Kita tinggal berharap dan berdoa, semoga Dota 6.71b Ai map segera diluncurkan secepatnya. Agar lebih jelas kalian dapat membaca kutipan dari PBMN ini :

PBMN said

Here is a status update. I started reviewing the changes which AITeam made while i was gone.
It seems that 6.71b is ready for a release apart from some AI corrections on my part... which i`ll have to do in the next days or next week.On 6.72... most things are ported... really nice progress. I have to do some verification process but tests are showing fine results.
There is a new AI gold/exp system in the works which will make those pwnage AIs less rewarded and the underachievers getting back in game.
So i`m planning on 6.71b release, then 6.72a with pwnage Slark and then maybe 6.72c.
6.72a and c will have 2 versions (with and without dynamic exp/gold).
Those are my plans... for now. They may change if something unexpected happens.

Nah jika kalian kurang mengerti, silahkan terjemahkan di google translate ! hehe
Semoga berita ini dapat mengurangi rasa penasaran dan ketidak sabaran kalian untuk menunggu kapan dikeluarkannya map Ai terbaru.

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