
Senin, 28 Maret 2011

Dota 6.70c Ai

Are you waiting for Dota 6.70c Ai ? I have good news for you !(here for Full English) Jika kalian adalah pemain Dota sejati, tentu saja kalian pasti sedang menanti diluncurkannya map 6.70c Ai. Nah jika kalian memang sedang menanti dan menunggu map tersebut, KOBE memiliki berita baik untuk kalian.
Dota 6.70c Ai sedang dalam proses pembuatan, dan sedang dilakukan pengujian terhadap 2 Hero baru kita yaitu Phoenix dan Tuskarr. Walaupun masih banyak kekurangan pada percobaan pertama, tetapi PBMN akan terus melakukan perbaikan. Seperti biasa agar kalian lebih yakin dan percaya, bahwa berita yang KOBE sampaikan ini adalah benar dan bukan hanya rekayasa semata, KOBE telah mempersiapkan kutipan dari posting-an PBMN. 

PBMN said

Great news, we began working on 6.70c AI with IceFrog`s blessing. Things are going smooth... i can say smoother than ever. Here is my first test of the 2 new imported heroes: Phoenix and TuskarrThey still lack item and skills builds, but we will fix that. I can`t promise full AI for both of them but let`s say i`ll try to make at least the one having AI. Also i want to work on some old heroes and more items to be usable by the AI.

Speaking of AI... i`m very glad of the feedback i`m getting about Invoker`s AI. I`ll continue tweaking his reactions and hopefully he`ll be even better in the next releases. Some day he might have different skill builds, item builds and skills combos corresponding to his builds. It`s a complex system with a very fragile balance.. and one must be very careful to not disturb the equilibrium (great movie btw). Here some quotes:

crisgon wrote:
Cant beat him on 1vs1 -ap mode, he uses his skills almost perfectly, good job PBMN keep it up!!


GravedamN wrote:
I love that classic Blast/Meteor combo, and also the Tornado/SStrike combo.
I was chasing him once with Pudge when he was at about 100 hp and then I was like "Shit, the fucker Ghost Walks too." Tried to hook him but I don't use low dodge mode, so I failed.

But the most impressive is his APM. My laning APM is quite high, but from mid-game, it drops to between 90 and 110. That Invoker had close to 150 and, most importantly, he changes his balls at hyper speed without ever having to stop. That was quite impressive.

I have to say, I was not disappointed. He's a great team player and he's pretty decent. One of the best AI laners in the game right now. He was my ally and solo mid and, by 6 mins, my cs was 27/7 and his was 26/9. I raged.

Well, he was farming about 45 mins in a game and he was ganked by a Balanar, Luna, KotL and Venge.
He ultra-killed them. Blast/Meteor then Tornado while he Manta Styled and auto-attacked the four of them. His Linkens apparently saved him from being silenced by Balanar. I believed he used his Alacrity afterwards. Can't remember.

It took me about thirty seconds to gather my shit. I just realized I should have taken a screenshot.

PBMN, well done man.


mrEd88 wrote:
he used all of his skill..n ownd every living being on his path


reidzeibel wrote:
Second play : 5 (me, Insane Invoker, 3 easy AI) vs 5 Insane AI, -apnnst, Invoker outleveled everyone, getting Ultra kills like twice, even pushed the mid lane alone and crushed both barracks...

Seperti yang telah kalian baca pada kutipan posting-an di atas, PBMN sangat senang karena Invoker Ai pada Dota 6.69c Ai cukup sukses. Bahkan banyak yang memuji kemampuan Invoker Ai tersebut. KOBE sendiri telah mencoba dan permainan perdana dengan Invoker Ai pada Dota 6.69c Ai sangat mengagumkan, bagaimana tidak mengagumkan Invoker Ai tersebut sampai mendapat gelar "Beyond God Like" . Yah walaupun KOBE melihat sedikit kekurangan, Invoker Ai sangat jarang menggunakan "Sun Strike", seandainya ia menggunakan kemampuan itu, dapat dibayangkan akurasi penempatan skill tersebut. Ketepatannya mungkin 85% atau lebih, dan mungkin PBMN sendiri sudah memperhitungkannya, agar Invoker Ai ini tidak terlalu "dewa".
Nah sekian informasi yang dapat KOBE berikan semoga dapat bermanfaat bagi kalian dan selamat menanti Dota 6.70c Ai.

Last Posted :

4 komentar:

  1. kira2 kpn kluar na nich kobe ? thx be4.

  2. Kayaknya lama ne bos

    wktu PBMN test pertama Dota 6.70c AI,
    Untuk hero Tuskar da masalah dengan skill ulti-nya, kalo kita gunakan skill ultinya, bakal terjadi crash 100%.
    Jadi dia harus rewrite code lagi, biar bisa cmpetibel ama code Ai lainnya, gitu katanya.

    Yah semoga ja cepet keluar ne map, hehehe

  3. ok deh,,klo dah kluar lgsg di posting aja ya kobe ? thx.

  4. ok bro pasti langsung di posting


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